Saturday, April 26, 2008


hi people! long time no communicate!
life is very hectic with work nowadays but i decided to post this blog on this very special day. on april 26th 2007 i started wildlife photography and how my parents got me all the equipment in a very difficult situation. my life changed completely after that day. according to me, my year starts only on april 26th. i am very happy to post this picture from the rainforests of Agumbe were i am currently working. its extremely great here. never in my wildest dreams i dreamt of everything that happened after april 26th 2007. i am hoping to maintain this and work hard to follow my goals.

thats it! i give up. net connection is slow like a snail.

current mood: exhausted and happy
PS:- success is 99% perspiration and 1% external inspiration :)

Friday, April 11, 2008


I was asked to shift to chennai from my native place so that i can get a good training here to join some medical college. i was a mom's kid. they asked to do medicine and i came here joined some coaching classes etc. i don know wer it went right n one fine day i met shekar dattatri in the year april 2003. i still remember the nagarahole: tales from the indian jungle being screened in satyam theatre. after the show i met him and  the first question i asked was " was this film shot in a ' high density' camera? people say first impression is best impression but i think that didnt work in my case. by 2004 i decided i should do wildlife photography as a hobby after seeing all the films and photography by various people. gradually paths changed and i got addicted to wildlife and photography like crazy. later i the nikon f55 and a normal lens wont work out for anything good. when i realised it was 2005. then i asked my dad to get a nikon d80 and a 50-500mm lens ad began shooting with it. i was quite satisfied with the results but i wanted to do something professionally. when i was in my last year of schooling my thougts comepletely changed and i got hooked on to wildlife. i bunked almost 100 out of 180 working days in school. finally in 2007 april 26th i convinced my dad somehow to invest on high end camera gears. i am still figuring out as to what made him get all the equipement i use now. not even in my wildest dreams i imagined that i will get addicted to it like this. almost the whole year till now everything happened in the blink of an eye and now i am the happiest person in the world because i will be doing what i wanted to do.
     i am leaving to agumbe tomorrow to work with felis creations. i wont be coming back to chennai again for atleast a year or two due to many reason.. till the day i came here, chennai and my friends have made me think completely different, and and gave me extremely good support to pursue my passion and always welcomed me to teach me whatever i wanted. i am grateful to all my friends in chennai. i hope i can meet them if i come back to chennai later. i hope i will find time to do some still work. i will keep updating reports about my experience in agumbe. 
   i don think i can sleep tonight as i am very excited about working in agumbe and extermely happy that i am leaving chennai. i had enough being here and i just couldn work here anymore.
just thought of quoting few lines from the poem " the road not taken " by Robert frost

........ i shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
two roads diverged in a wood, and I
took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.
                              - Robert Frost



Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I just dont have enough time to write about the Fuji supersix chennai launch that happened yesterday. considering the fact that chennai is a sleepy city, the opening was good :) the exhibition is on till 15th of this month. if u r in chennai, do step in to see our works.

                                   shekar inagurating the exhibition

                                      shekar and me



Thursday, April 3, 2008


Dear friends,

After a very good response received from Fuji super six exhibition in Mumbai, we now take the exhibition to Chennai. I cordially invite you for the exhibition on behalf of Fuji and Jindal photo.

For friends in Chennai, I will be leaving Chennai on april 12th once for all. I hope to meet you all during the exhibition.



DATE: 9-4-08 TO 15-4-08





mac is here

It has been exactly five days since my old laptop went for a toss. i had given it to the service to get it fixed. meanwhile i was gifted a macbook by who else but my dad :)  i got it this afternoon and i am just loving it. editing pics in mac is just out of the world. its extremely superb and to edit images with a mac. past few days has been busy getting stuffs ready for the fuji exhibition which is gonna be inagurated in chennai and enjoying last few days of my life in chennai :) 

PS:- its a bit difficult to work on mac after working on windows for a long time. hoping to make my laptop made for each other soon :)



current mood: happy