current mood: happy
I promise to open a new gallery in the site for my Rainforest Series once i come back from the shoot.
stay put
current mood: Energetic
After a continuous two and a half months schedule, i drove back to chennai today. It took me 14 hours with a little bit of break. The first Two schedule for the National Geographic documentaty by Felis creations is over and we will be re grouping again for the shoot soon. Before i write about my rainforest experience i would like to inform a superb news to everyone.
I got a mail from BBC informing me that i reached till the finals in the Eric hosking award and semi final in Gerald Durrell award and creative visions of nature catergory . i am happy that i got to finals this time. i hope i will work better this year.
secondly the Fuji super six exhibition is commencing in Banglore on the 25th of june at 11 AM
DATE AND TIME: 25th to 29th June 10am- pm
INAGURATION: 25th june at 11 AM
friends in Banglore do come to see our works.
Before i finish my post i would like to write a few words about my experience in the rainforests of Agumbe.
Photographing in rainforests is stunning and never easy. Every inch u move, u find something interesting. Fungi grows on every bark or tree. Tree frogs and toads are abundant. In the night the forests reverbrate with male frogs&toads calling for mate. u can never imagine how many frogs are calling in the night. probably 1000's or maybe more than that. If u get up in the morning the entire rainforest is covered by mist. A hornbill zooms past through the most echoing the forest with its voice. In the night distant calls of the brown hawk owl, forest eagle owl makes sure that the forest is completely alive in the night. words cannot describe the beauty and serenity of the rainforest. we were filming for NGT documentary. there are lots of hardships in keeping you and your equipment dry as fungus literally grows on everything. the equipement, your foot, clothes etc but the images and sequences u get in this conditions are out of the world. we filmed lots of sequences that were never before filmed in the wild.
I did a bit of still photography apart from filming. covering yourself with rain proof clothes, carrying a tripod, camera in heavy rains photographing it under the cover of an umbrella is just amazing. mists and rainforests evoke so much emotions in you.
with months of backlog i processing pictures, getting camera equipment serviced, college work etc etc i don think i can keep my blog active but i hope i will keep updating about my trips and work.
Dear friends,
After a very good response received from
For friends in Chennai, I will be leaving Chennai on april 12th once for all. I hope to meet you all during the exhibition.
DATE: 9-4-08 TO 15-4-08
History has a lot of bizarre patterns of love failures, which apparently implies that only the guy eventually become the losers. Rite from romeo-juliet, devdas-parvati, anarkali-salim to every single tom dick and harry we find on streets have found love broken up due to usual and unusual reasons. But the common pattern that I observe, is that its always the guys who ruin their lives thinking about their lost love and its mostly the girls who end up as parent driven puppets or people who find love almost instantaneously after their long drawn “ I will be single for ever, Its you or noone” speeches. Statuory warning: for people who disagree with me, please mail me historical details, articles, fiction, facts proving me wrong and I bet u r gonna give google a run for its money :) ( No offence meant )
I like to change sides here and state that the guys are really stupid and they are ruining their lives thinking about their lost love and the girl’s being very clever creatures have mastered the art of “moving on” .They have moved so far that they have circum navigated the globe six times whereas the stupid guys moved on to the nearest liquor shop or to the next phase in his life where his main aim is to stay away from her memories.
a) Guy-girl breaks up. Guy takes to alcohol. Girl engages in a sob-fest for a temporary period of time and starts acting clever :)
b) Guy-girl break up: guy goes abroad, throws away all his loved ones belongings, tries to stream line his life based on one bottom line “ I have to avoid her memories”
c) Guy-girl break up: girl takes to alcohol, guys moves on with another girl,girl grows a beard and meets the guy after two years. The guy has two children and one girl child is apparently named after the lover ( are u shocked? Are you flabber gasted? )
If u are really shocked or u laughed at option ‘c’ you have accepted my theory indirectly which is the one possible way. If u find at option ‘a’ amussing pack your bags and move to Bollywood. and so jokes apart. Inevitably whether we like it or not the girl moves on( no she doesn grow a beard!)and the guy doesn’t( oh yes! He does grow a beard)
I seriously like to ask this question. Wat is love and trust in its most pure and unadulterated form?
1) when u throw a three year old child up in the air and catch it, it smiles having the trust that u will catch it again.
2) the unconditional love given by a mother to a child irrespective of how the child treats her.
3) Any art form
God is not visible. He does not reveal himself directly. But we feel his divinity. Don’t we? That is because he has created nature, art and love as his representations in this world. Such a divine spot has been allotted for love. With these being the case how can we even think of polluting it? Me being a connoissuer or art, I can raise my voice to stop the pollution of nature and art. How can I raise my voice against the pollution of love?
The reason why god gave love such an important part in our lives is because of the fact that bonding between any two entities is only possible through it. If u ask me art has been showering its unconditional love on me since the day i was born on this world. Sometimes I reciprocated it. sometimes I did not. Did my impudence ever affect the unconditional love art has been showering on me. The answer is no. It has created an unbreakable bond similar to a bond between mother and a child and, me being the irresponsible child of my loving mother ( art) so I guess now your are clear with what I meant before.
Love between humans has to condescend through all barriers void of pollution if that situation happens. It can be equated to my love story with art. But the unfortunate and the bitter truth is that humans are humans. We are wicked, evil, fickle and we strive to destroy every single bit of the innocence that we have left in us. In the process we are deluding ourselves coating sugar to these bitter facts. Love is one which has its divine place and we as humans should keep its divinity intact. I don ever think that is happening. The biggest mistake I have made and I regret doing it is believing that no matter what happens, love can be so unconditional between two human beings.
"Why can't I speak when I have so much to tell?
Why can't I write when I have so much in mind?
Why can't I sing when there's music in my heart?
Why can't I dance when there's rythm in the air?
Too many words left unspoken
Too many things left undone
Why can't it be and why can't I?
For all I know this pain deep inside
Took the gladness from my heart.
Is this the pain of missing you?
Is this the reason behind it all?
Hear the agony of my heart
Longing for you and for your touch
Feeling your love, feeling your face
Missing your sweet talks and care
When will the waiting ever be over?
For as long as we are apart I can never be whole
Oh! My Dearest Love
I just want you to know
That my heart is aching because
After a few kilometers walk, rajan sighted a pair of srilankan frogmouth. This is my first sighting of this elusive spirit of the rainforest. I tried to photograph this pair which was close to 12 feet but shutter speeds dropped to 1/3s and lower. But to my luck, sun just opened up for few seconds and it lit just the female bird through the canopy. Made some quick shots and continued trekking. On our way back we had a very good opportunity of a close encounter with the Wynaad laughingthrush, a rare endemic bird of western ghats. I managed to get some pics in the low light but it became just a record shots. Periyar never forgets to reveals it beauty to me I guess. Everytime I go there I find something special. I decided to spend 20 days in may just in periyar to explore the core areas completely on foot. My last two days in periyar I was completely sick with temperatures soaring at 105 degress and a severe septic ulcer but everything just vanishes when I was trekking in periyar. Next few days I took complete rest in my native before getting back to work in Chennai. Waiting to get back to periyar again.
1)white bellied blue flycatcher
2)white bellied treepie
3)Srilankan frogmouth
4)Hill myna
5)Malabar grey hornbill
6) great Indian hornbill
7)Jungle babbler
8)Wynaad laughingthrush
9)White cheeked barbet
10)small minivet
11)common rosefinch
12)Brown pygmy woodpecker
13)scarlet minivet
15)Racket tailed drongo
16)Bronzed drongo
17)Malabar whistling thrush
18)Yellow browed bulbul
19)Crimson fronted barbet
20)Grey junglefowl
21)Stork billed kingfisher
22)pied kingfisher
In another few hours I will be in the noisy and dull capital of TamilNadu trying to get back to academics and to fix strained relationships. From now there is no golden light, lighting the grasslands and desert that stretches for miles, no wolves,no hyenas and no beautiful sunset. .it’s just people and pollution. The trip was overwhelmingly successful after working for 18 hours a day with wildlife. As I have 80 GB of images to process and lots of my experience to write, I assure that the blog will be completely active.Many visitors to my site and blog told me that its lying idle for a long time. friends, gear up for a treat from gujrat! J
Current mood: accomplished